Fiddle Leaf Fig

Root rot or not enough light??

Is this root rot or not enough sunlight? I brought home this large fiddle tree about two weeks ago and since then it has lost at least half its leaves like 20 or more. It seems to be deteriorating very quickly and I’ve moved it to a much sunnier spot, but it’s still dropping many leaves a day and has this spotting everywhere. I did a little watering when it came home and then one bottom water a bunch of days ago since the leaves were a bit droopy. Even with the sunnier spot and no watering I seem to be losing leaves daily and more are getting brown. I stuck a water meter to the bottom of the pot and it read very wet at the bottom although the top feels dry. I have no idea how to repot, so is this plant kind of just doomed? If I move it to an even sunnier spot, will that help?

by Murray_bk_boi

1 Comment

  1. Low-Stick-2958

    Not enough light. Try brighter light but don’t jump to direct sun or it’ll scorch.

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