Plant Propagation

Are there too many props in this glass?

1st picture is about 10 minutes after cutting some scraps I got from a plant shop yesterday and putting in water. 2nd picture is 3 hours later. I feel like it looks worse? But maybe that’s just because I moved some of the leaves around to help it perk up. Did I wait too long to get them in water (approx over 24 hours, but unsure the max time, likely not over 36)? Do I need to get them in natural light instead of grow lights? Or are they okay? Thank you in advance! I am such a novice that I don’t even know what to google. These props were basically forced on me by the plant owner!!!

by h-dawg


  1. niftyhippie

    I don’t think you waited too long, as a lot of people recommend leaving them to “scab over” for at least 24 hours. This lets the cut heal a bit before introducing water. I don’t see much of a difference between the two pictures so maybe just give it a few days. Cutting causes stress obviously so the drooping is probably from that and it’ll take a few days to recover. Hang in there. I usually wait for secondary roots (a root off of a root) before planting in dirt.

  2. Automatic-Reason-300

    Why you wait that long? I like to cut and inmediatly put my props in water. You only stress the cuttings waiting before put them in water.

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