
Cost to remove pavers, regrade, and repave.

How much do you think it would cost to have the pavers removed and have this area lowered so that it is not above the foundation? Any other suggestions?

by pinkandgreenpearl


  1. dad_vibes

    I don’t know the cost but the pavers look really nice. Is it moving water towards the house?

  2. JediYYC

    The cost is substantial.

    A new build requires dig out, base work, lay pavers, poly them.

    Relays require – lift and scrape every brick, base work , relay pavers, poly them.

    The cost will be almost the same as a new build, perhaps 20%-30% less that starting from scratch, it will be based on a sqft price.

    As for your concern. So long as the water has positive slope away from your house, I wouldn’t be worried about their elevation above the sill plate.

    You need to consider that to lower them, you will also need to regrade whatever is next to them, in order to maintain that positive slope away from the house.

    Good luck.

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