Native Plant Gardening

Are there any natives that can prevent the spread of the shite snakeroot growing in all over? Located a n New Jersey

Are there any natives that can prevent the spread of the shite snakeroot growing in all over? Located a n New Jersey

by arikotowitz


  1. BadgerValuable8207

    The reason plants are labeled “invasive” is that they crowd out native plants, not the other way around

  2. wasteabuse

    It’s a native plant that deer don’t eat. If I didn’t have this plant at my woods edge it would be all barberry, dock, burdock, orchard grass, autumn olive, burning bush, Japanese honeysuckle, stilt grass… all the actual invasives. 

  3. Peppersandonions2345

    Are you sure that’s not native white snakeroot?

    It’s one of the few that the deer will ignore and will hold out against anything but the invasive vines (even stiltgrass)

  4. Realistic-Reception5

    Isn’t white snakeroot native?

  5. sam99871

    Are we talking about White Snakeroot or Shite Snakeroot?

  6. puddsmax134

    Assuming you mean Ageratina altissima, it’s native. But, if you don’t want so much of it, you can pull part of it and plant an equally aggressive native like Goldenrod (Solidago spp) or mountain mints (Pycnanthemum spp).

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