
well i have the peppers, what now?

well i have the peppers, what now?

by ohfrickitspepper


  1. Creepy-Tangerine-293

    We made candied jalapeños/cowboy candy one year with an unexpected huge harvest and they were delicious. Maybe you can spare a few for an experiment to see how this variety holds up? 

  2. Sea-While1190

    Well those look like hot peppers. Soooo you can ferment them, directions online, and use it like Tabasco. You can pickle them, also online, to use on sandwiches, salads etc. You can chop and freeze some for cooking this winter. You can stuff them with what you like to eat and freeze them, cooked, and enjoy them as quick meals all winter. There is lots of stuff you can do! Enjoy your lovely harvest!!

  3. camocamo911

    Sell to a local restaurant 🤷🏽‍♀️.

  4. srrymissthaxton

    Hot pepper jelly…it’s amazing

  5. gigraz_orgvsm_133

    I love your confused but proud face

  6. Steelpapercranes

    Wow, they’re so pretty! Wish I could have a couple XD

    I suppose dry them and powder them! Or make sauce? But watch the fumes.

  7. Bluedemonfox

    Make hot sauce or ferment! Or both!

  8. NoDontDoThatCanada

    That is a nice haul of hot peppers! A lot of sphincters are going to be hurt.

  9. Disastrous-Share4639

    Your face is the best part of this post 😂

  10. urnbabyurn

    A white pepper sauce sounds cool if you can maintain the light color.

  11. koniboni

    well, get some Tomatoes, Eggplants onions and carrots and make Zacusca. It’s a Romanian (i think) vegetable spread and best cooked by the kilo

  12. AsparagusNo1897

    Brad Leone’s fermented hot sauce recipe is a great base for exploring fermented Hot sauces.

  13. Danna-Marie

    You can make hot pepper sauce, hot chili flakes or sell to a restaurant.

  14. Growkitz

    Get some beans and some oil and smash them in a boiling pot

  15. HangryBeard

    Jellie, jams, hot sauce, pickled peppers.

    I use to love throwing in a thia chili in my finder with my morning coffee beans. The coffee cuts the spice so what you end up with is a nice. Warmth in your through from the pepper. It makes for some wonderful go juice.

    You can also dehydrate them and store them for when a need or craving arises.

  16. Budget_Llama_Shoes

    100 internet points if you make a video eating all of them.

  17. Grouchy-Basil-1833

    They look really spicy 🤤 you can make a simple recipe: lime juice, sliced onion, sliced pepper and salt/black pepper to your taste, great with anything.

  18. purplemarkersniffer

    That is farmers market/ grocery store level. You need a distribution line

  19. Wafflehouseofpain

    Make some super spicy hot sauce and sell it to the addicts who buy it

  20. joeben81

    Fermented hot sauce. Throw some peaches in there with them.

  21. squirrelcat88

    These are going to be too hot for most people. I don’t think your average restaurant can use them.

    If you don’t want to use them all yourself, you will want to sell them or give them away.

    I could sell them because I go to farmers markets and people know I have hot peppers, so they come looking for me. You just have to figure out where to find your potential customers, trust me, they’re out there.

    If there’s a store that specializes in hot sauces, check with them. Poke around on social media to find where the real pepper heads are hiding. Check here on Reddit, use all the social media you can think of. You will probably find there is a sort of local network for this stuff, you just have to tap into it. Lots of people make their own hot sauces.

    Make sure to save a bunch of seeds, too.

  22. jbevermore

    Nachos. The correct answer is nachos. Like the ones from The Good Place.

  23. Protect_Wild_Bees

    LOL your face.
    You’re like “well I thought they were cool, so I grew them, now what?!”

    II’d probably be blending up some fresh salsa. Spicy foccacia bread. I agree a spicy jam, hot honey, pepper infused oils, really hot kimchi.


    Make hot sauce and dye it black to match your aesthetic 🖤

  25. aChunkyChungus

    I make jam and sauce with hot peppers

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