Rare Houseplants

Anthurium warocqueanum (seedling)

Anthurium warocqueanum is my dream plant, but unfortunately, it's quite expensive where I live. How difficult or risky would it be to buy a small anthurium (from tissue propagation) and keep it alive? I trust the seller, but they import the plant from Indonesia/China, and I'm worried about spending the money and not being able to acclimatize it. Any opinions or advice would be greatly appreciated!

by nueva_student


  1. nueva_student

    the plant is imported from indonesia and would take 2-3 weeks to arrive at my home

  2. PatricksPlants

    That’s a science experiment and not a plant. If you are okay with the acclimation process and it going either way(death or life), I would proceed. If you really want the plant and money is tight. Maybe wait?

    Acclimating TC isn’t super difficult. But it goes south a lot, for some people. If losing your first TC is no big deal then no worries. If you are concerned, I would wait.

    My opinion.

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