Gardening UK

What is this and how ruined is my weekend?

What is this and how ruined is my weekend?

by Equivalent_Web1930


  1. LuLutink1

    It’s virginia creeper yes you should keep on top of it they can become a pain but the stems are very strong. Dont cut it first get on the roof and you should be able to just pull it down.
    Do you want to keep it ? it’s stunning this time of year with the change of colours.

    If not you can just pull it off the wall, if you want an easier job let the leaves full in nov/ dec and trim it then.

    Just cut mine back it was 17ft tall it’s now 5ft.

    You don’t want it getting in the roof though.

  2. mister__ko

    Virgina creeper. Doesn’t look too bad assuming you can get up there safely (I’ve seen it getting much worse)

  3. Due_Performer5094

    Virginia creeper. Looks great, lucky you

  4. smeIIyworm

    Virginia Creeper.

    Don’t worry, it doesn’t wreck brick work or anything like that. The main management is just making sure it doesn’t spread into gutters and windows.

    It’s beautiful in Autumn as all the leaves turn a beautiful red.

    So your choices are: getting rid totally, or basic management – which just means pruning where you don’t want it to be.

  5. boredatschipol

    I think I had this at my old place. It’s pretty but grows with gusto and will worm its way into every nook and cranny. Didn’t damage the brick work but once it gets to the soffits it will worm its way into the roof

  6. Kindly-Ad-8573

    they are nice especially the autumn red , only thing is to keep it from choking your guttering which they obviously like for extra water access but other than that we had one and as long as you keep it under control , very pretty. Also on hard walls they make good sound dampening.

  7. arran0394

    My neighbour has this. Think he cuts it right down to the base and then grows back every year. Looks really good tbh.

  8. Hedgehogosaur

    Note that Virginia creeper is listed on schedule 9 if the wildlife and countryside act – it’s unlawful to plant or cause to grow in the wild.

    Not something to be scared of, but e.g don’t dump cuttings over your fence!

    Very pretty plant though!

  9. Kandis_crab_cake

    as the others have said looks like Virginia creeper. It’s beautiful, esp in autumn. Keep it and just keep it trimmed round windows

    My dad absolutely hacked the fuck out of mine about 3/4 years ago without asking and it’s only just getting back to how it was. It’s lovely.

    Also it’s not invasive or destructive like ivy, it has little suckers instead.

  10. Longjumping-Map-7434

    It is lovely but in my old house it would work its way between my fence panels and concrete posts and break the concrete off the post.

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