Native Plant Gardening

I don’t really need a redbud… but I have to try planting them, right?

Found these in with my grandpa’s tools I inherited. These were alongside various screws, nails, and random small parts.

by CharlesV_


  1. Amorpha_fruticosa

    That would be really interesting to see if they germinate. So definitely try. I would give them a cold stratification period for best luck.

  2. PurpleOctoberPie

    So cool!

    I’d germinate them for fun…but then maybe murder the seedlings. It depends what your property is like, but I’ve got a redbud in a suburban lot I purchased last year and it’s a PROLIFIC seeder. I’ve got so many redbud seedlings everywhere at all times, in beds where they’re weeds. I’m sure the tree itself was a volunteer, no one intentionally selected it for its current site.

  3. HoochyShawtz

    If you live in the eastern US, you could toss them in a few good spots in public hiking areas! I’m doing my first seed bombing this fall!

  4. SnapCrackleMom

    You could always give away any saplings you end up with.

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