Gardening UK

Proud of this one…as my

I have fought my condition for long enough I have had to accept that my career in garden design and landscaping has to be no landscaping and all design. This was a tough thing for me. I have been active my whole life and enjoyed site life for nearly 30 years. Coming off the tools as we say is hard enough, I never did this because I wanted desk job.

So when a client recently sent me these photos of her garden now, a garden I designed and project managed only about a year ago now and I had no part in physically it really made my day. I have been designing for years but it just felt weird not laying a slab or planting a plant. I just stood there and pointed – like a bricky🤣 sorry old site banter.

I hope it inspires

by Check_your_6


  1. ahmarthered

    Great work OP! I’d say there are a lot of people out there who can work the tools but not design something half as decent as this.

    BTW what are the trees on the right? I recently moved house and have these outside our front.

  2. felonius-monc

    Hey u/check_your_6 that’s such a satisfying feeling. You don’t get that from a spreadsheet! I’m in the same boat as you, and it’s a frightening thing, 25 years of designing and landscaping. My knees are going and I hope I can take inspiration from this post and where you are. All the best

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