
What tree should I plant in the front yard?

Location Charlotte, NC

Hey all our old Bradford pear died and we had to remove it.

We are going to store to buy a tree for the ce ter of the lawn where the old one was and then we are planting the grass.

What tree should we buy? What would be a good fit for this lawn?

The Bradford was large like the neighbors you can see in the background. We'd be okay going a little smaller and would like something that is pretty in the spring, summer, and fall.

Looking at the house, left half.of the yard is mottled shade in am and shade in pm and right half is direct in am and shaeish in pm as the sun goes behind the house in the afternoon.

by lwadz88


  1. ClassroomMuted2596

    i believe a cedar would be beautiful, maybe an eastern red cedar. they’re very low maintenance

  2. PittPeap

    It looks like your neighbor has a Linden. I would not do that. In my area they always tend to load up with aphids which drop honeydew on EVERYTHING.

  3. infectedfreckle

    Hey there, I’m in Raleigh, so a similar area.

    You can’t go wrong with autumn blaze maples, my other favorites would be Tulip poplar, black gum, any oak especially white oaks, native elms or possibly a saucer magnolia.

    I know you said smaller, but consider that even a grand white oak won’t be huge for the next 70-80 years.

  4. Consistent_Echo126

    Oak tree would be my suggestion. The variety would be up to whatever your local nurseries supply.

  5. If you want fast growth, poplar (cotton wood) they can be impressive trees in just 2-3 years (assuming they are already established in a pot)

  6. Real-Psychology-4261

    Anything but a maple for God’s sake.

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