Plant Propagation

Never propagated before— help??

I received this lil guy from my father-in-law in April and since then it has grown to be a little over 6 inches tall and there’s also a lil baby growing too! I would like to grow more of these but the last time I tried my hand at caring for any plants was during the pandemic and failed miserably and I felt discouraged BUT I’d like to give it another go! I’m just worried about accidentally killing this one somehow if I cut it.

I have done some research on the internet but there is a lot of different and contradictory information. Most of the tutorials I’ve seen or read use much larger leaves with multiple cuttings and I am having trouble deciphering what exactly corresponds with mine.

If anyone could help confirm or correct the steps I should take that would be super helpful and appreciated! Basically:
– sterilize shears
– cut about 1 in above the surface (straight across or triangular??)
– let the cuts dry for about 24 hours (i’ve also heard 6 hours would be fine but it’s been kind of humid lately so I’d expect longer?)
– put bottom side of the cut in water and change water 7, 3, or 2x a week until roots form (how long should the roots be?)

Also, I ask:
– I know it could take months once the cuttings root, but would I be able to put them in the same pot from the original or should I move everything into a larger container? It’s a 3in pot.
– Is there anything else I should know?

by littlestbeans


  1. Financial_Board_9664

    I would wait and see how many babies it gives you. I feel like cutting the mom plant now wouldnt be a good idea until it’s matured more. I’ve never propped a leaf that small before.

  2. noblecloud

    This plant is way too young to be taking cuttings from. It will start spreading out on its own, just let it do its thing and it will eventually fill out and possibly even crack the pot ☺️

  3. There’s another leaf sprouting, there’s no need to cut it.

  4. Emperor-Of-Errors

    I can understand the desire to have more snake plants around! However, I would recommend patience. I know, I know… waiting sucks. This is the result of a similar cutting my mom gave me a few years ago-> Snake plant and -> 2 New Snake Plant Rosettes . Here is my first attempt at propagation that I started for a friend around 1 year ago (but it was in, let’s say, sub-optimal soil, light, and watering conditions for at least half that time, i.e., the first 6 months, so the fact that it not only lived but looks like this is a testament to their resilience 🤣)-> First Snake Plant Propagation . So I can vouch for the rewards of waiting 😊

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