
Got this pretty lady in the mail today. Really don’t want to f this up. What would you do?

What would you do from here to maximize your odds of keeping it happy and healthy and growing? This is my first time paying this much for a cutting and I’ll be devastated if it dies.

by cncomg


  1. shutupgeez

    New soil!! Water it once every 7-10 days! just listen to what it needs. If the leaves curl up and the ends get too crispy, it’s dehydrated. If your plant is “crying” in the morning, it’s tears of happiness. You’ll know what I mean when you start watering them. Face it in a south facing window. make sure it gets good lighting and you will get fenestrations in no time 🙂

  2. rhousden

    Me personally, never repot directly after shipping. It will just add onto the shock it went through and may not bounce back. Always wait 2-3 weeks before repotting after transporting and introducing it to a new environment. What you should definitely do is treat it with some type of pesticide, water(if it needs it), keep it separate from your other plants until you know it’s pest free, and put it by whatever light source you plan to use.

  3. dleifgnol

    ChatGPT will be your best friend here.

    Tell it exactly what species it is and request a care guide that highlights the following:

    * Light PAR
    * Lux
    * Humidity %
    * Watering
    * Soil Mix
    * Repotting
    * Propagation

    That should tick most of your boxes and act as a guide on getting used to looking after it.

    Share progress pictures!

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