
What to fill hole with

We have a beautiful oak in front of the house that has a hole from a branch that was trimmed long ago. The center started to rot from water collecting and now it’s about 6” deep at its deepest. What can we do to keep it from rotting and what can we use to fill hole before it gets worse.

by itavi0


  1. Treeman1216

    Fill it with hopes and dreams and then leave it alone

  2. infectedfreckle

    Do not fill it, you will make it worse. There’s nothing to be done now. The tree has healed what it can internally, which you won’t be able to see.

  3. beluga-farts

    Fill it with presents for the neighborhood kids to find. Then they’ll be curious about the mysterious person who lives in your house (do you have a son named Boo?). Hopefully they’ll learn lessons about not being racist while they’re at it.

  4. Legalthrowaway6872

    There’s a place round by me.

    Near and old holler tree

    Where you lay down a dollar or two

    Go round the bend

    Then come back again

    There’s a jug full of that good ‘ol’ Mountain Dew.

  5. roblewk

    Nothing more can be done so have some fun. I put a shiny metal butterfly in mine.

  6. Letzfakeit

    You might use a pruning sealer or something to prevent insects and molds

    At the crouch of the tree, from the collar of that branch, there’s a line that travels down the trunk. An arborist might offer some advice about the future of that limb.

  7. al-fuzzayd

    This kind of oak (coast live) does very poorly long term in the rock/turf combo you have, unfortunately. If you want to retain the tree, consider removing any landscape fabric, the rocks, and replace with a 3” layer of mulch. If you don’t want to give up the turf, consider at least cutting it back further so the roots have something to work with.

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