Gardening UK

Where would you even begin?

so we've just moved into our student house and the garden is worse than we thought. my course is the opposite of the outdoors so I desperately need an outside hobby and I've decided to dedicate my life to fixing this mess… initially I was going to painstakingly sweep up the rocks then plant some proper grass but decided to come on here to ask for any advice or ideas more experienced veterans would have 🙏🏾

by dollop_of_okube


  1. palebluedot365

    I would work outwards from the patio. So you’re gradually extending the usable space in manageable sections.

    I wouldn’t try to remove/replace the stones, especially if it’s a student house. Just weed them.

    Get a hoe and work around the section you’re extending loosening the weeds up. Then go back round (hands and knees I’m afraid) and pull them up.

    Finally you can rake over the section to make the stones more even.

    If you want to add colour, get some pots/containers. Then you can also take them with you when you leave.

  2. beachyfeet

    Gardens can eat up all your money and time so start small until you know whether you enjoy gardening. At the very least, keep the grass and weeds strimmed down low. Choose a small area to plant up as a start n Do you know anyone who will give you free plants and cuttings? Parents, neighbours, mates, freecycle, local Facebook group? Gardeners like sharing their stuff so try to get some stuff to practice with.
    Plant it up and see what happens. Winter isn’t the best time to start to be fair but wild rocket, mizuna and winter lettuce can be sown now for cut and come again mini salads. If you have money to invest, hardy geraniums are bomb proof – don’t get bedding geraniums (aka pelargoniums) look for hardy geranium varieties like Patricia, Johnson’s Blue, phaeum or Rozanne.

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