
Help Clearing Weed Trees

So surrounding almost my whole house I had a ton of overgrowth and a lot of the overgrowth were these maple tree that got fairly large to were I couldn’t just pull them out. I was able to snip everything with a pruner close to ground level. I’d like to get these garden areas clean looking at least for now until next spring when I start to plant items in these areas. I can’t really clean the area mech because there’s so many of these trees, I can’t hardly do anything before running into another. I would love if there was a way to about having to dig an insane amount to pull every last one of these out by the deep roots.

My question: If I were to take my pruner and snip these just below the surface level, can I pack soil over it to suffocate it and prevent regrowth? Or do I need to use some sort of brush killer and wait for it to decompose or do the digging I referenced earlier that I didn’t want to do. Whats the best strategy here?

Side note: I know using cardboard to cover the area and throw mulch on top will get good results as far as killing weeds and regrowth along with having a temporary clean look, but there is a lot of surface area you can’t see that this needs done to and if I don’t have to, I’d love to not have to lay that much cardboard around my house. It would be a ton. Any help would be great!

by itiswhatitis162736

1 Comment

  1. poopshipdestroyer34

    Cut them to the ground and carefully paint the stems with 8.8% triclopyr solution. (Brush Killer) easily available at a big box store. I use rubber gloves and a foam brush, just enough to soak the open cuts, do it right after cutting.

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