
White Cedar Apex Dieback
I have a, what I think is white cedar, that is quite mature. I've been letting it sit in a training pot with occasional pruning for years. I now have decided on how to shape it but it reacted a bit to it.

I jined a large branch, and a small shari, near the base which would have been fine probably but I also pruned it somewhat aggressively earlier in the growing season. It's been about 3 weeks since I made the jin and also during that time I was away for a week and had someone else water it and I'm not sure how god of a job they did.

All that combined looks like it stressed the tree and my apex branch had the needle tips start turning brown. Is this dieback? It looks like the very apex of the tree and restricted to just one branch. Is there anything I should be doing to control and limit the spread? I'm not too worried right now since I plan on chopping/jinning the trunk at the top next year to try and get some movement/taper in there. I have the new apex picked out and the browning is well above that. I am worried that it will spread down though.

by MoarVespenegas

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