Plant Clinic

What’s wrong with my pothos?

I bought this pothos yesterday and noticed these black bumps underneath some stems this morning after pruning off some black wilted leaves.

It didn't have black leaves or the black bumps when I bought it from the shop. I'm wondering if my drive back home could've caused this? For reference, I'm in AZ and drove about 45 minutes. The plant is now sitting in front of a north-facing balcony, so gets about 6-8 hours of indirect light. I haven't watered it yet since i just got it yesterday and was told that it was watered last week.Any help would be appreciated!!

by wasabiwars


  1. BruvaSantodes

    It’s the things that allow the plant to grip onto things in order to crawl so these are perfectly normal if I am not mistaken, mine has these too

  2. gwhite81218

    She’s living her best life. Pothos can grow extra aerial roots right off of the stem, not just at the nodes.

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