San Pedro Cactus

What would the downsides be of using gallon jugs as pots? Are there any?

What would the downsides be of using gallon jugs as pots? Are there any?

by cactusvendor


  1. NegativeOstrich2639

    None other than size. I’ve used coffee tins for smaller cacti, various found objects of varying provenance, as long as you can get drainage holes in it you’re good. See people using 5 gallon buckets on here from time to time as well.

  2. NotCrustytheClown

    Probably would be fine if you make plenty of drainage holes in them, and cover them or something so the roots are not exposed to light. So after all, it may not be worth the trouble… You can get a 20-pack of 1 gal fabric pots for less than $1 each on Amazon.

  3. Gibson45

    They’re way too short even for TBMs. San Pedro needs a 5 -10 gallon pot, unless you just want to strangle your roots

  4. ColdProcedure1849

    Getting the rotten milk smell out is kinda hard. 

  5. bttrthnystrdy333

    If your talking about empty 1g milk jugs they will degrade from sun quickly.

  6. Luketheshrubber

    Those should work initially, When they need repotted. Find a locally owned deli, burger or bbq restaurant that serves pickles and ask for their pickle buckets. They are usually 5 gallon buckets and you can get them most of the time for free.

  7. Threewisemonkey

    Cheapest pots with best growth for me are 20gal fabric pots. I put as many as 10 cactus per bag.

    There’s always nursery pots for free on Craigslist and fb

  8. ChristOtherWhiteMeat

    I would leave them in smaller containers until they completely outgrow them…then transfer to larger containers or ground

  9. AncientPricks

    The plastic breaks down quickly in the sun. They could potentially release harmful chemicals into the soil. If you want free pots go to a nursery and ask for the used pots they throw away. Normally they have a bunch. I probably got 50 3-4 gallon pots the other day from a nursery that was about to trash them.

  10. Hahahahahahahahah069

    They basically crumble after a little while

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