Succulent Plants

how can i save my succulent?

i’ve had this haworthia for a while now and recently noticed it was having some issues.

leaves around the edges were yellowing/dying, it was getting squishy, it was turning from green to purple in places.

it’s definitely possible it was being overwatered or receiving too much sunlight. how do i save it? put it in dry soil? trim off the roots? i can’t tell if there’s rot or not. don’t know a lot about plants but i’d really like to keep this one alive.

thank you!

by ligokleftis


  1. MustachioDonut

    I have this same plant! The outer leaves will turn yellow and some of them will get purpled from the light. The roots look better than mine did when I knocked it off the shelf and snapped EVERY root off except for 1 inch of the tap root lol

    Just stick it in dirt!!! I only water mine maybe once a month at the most even in summer. I do water a little extra when she flowers.

  2. Lace aloe(fairly certain), definitely not a haworthia.

    But really it looks fine, maybe a little sun stressed but unpotting it was not the move.

    Repot in a gritty mix per the automod comment and put in a shady spot to let it recover from repotting. Give it a few days before watering. As it recovers over a few weeks to months slowly introduce more light.

  3. butterflygirl1980

    Gasteraloe, actually. Hybrid of Gasteria and maybe Lace aloe. Agree with the care advice above as far as reviving it. Pot it up in gritty mix, keep it in very bright but mostly indirect light (like in a sunny window but shaded by other plants) water every 2-3 weeks (depends on climate/conditions) and wait! They always come around. When it starts getting plumper and happier looking, start increasing the sun.

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