Gardening Australia

We currently have two dwarf apple trees, one jazz and one pink lady (approx. 2.5-3m tall). What would fit aesthetically beside them? We’re not opposed to a third apple tree, but we really don’t need that many apples… Regional NSW south of Sydney (colder climate).

We currently have two dwarf apple trees, one jazz and one pink lady (approx. 2.5-3m tall). What would fit aesthetically beside them? We’re not opposed to a third apple tree, but we really don’t need that many apples… Regional NSW south of Sydney (colder climate).

by The_Nameless_Brother


  1. nigeltuffnell

    Can I ask where you got the Jazz from?

  2. skeezix_ofcourse

    Lemon or Lime so you can Chutney or Jam your apples when they get to plentyful 😋

  3. widowscarlet

    Maybe a cherry tree would have similar bloom time and size. I don’t know much about climate etc, but I’ve heard that they aren’t heavy feeders. Cherries are expensive so it would be nice to have! I think you can get self-pollinating varieties so only need one.

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