Edible Gardening

Peach + Paw Paw: Positive Polyculture Permaculture Pals


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Happy growing!


  1. Reminds me of the Jungle Book when one of the characters is explaining differences between a Paw Paw and a… some other fruit. Your channel has been influencing me for years. Love you guys/gals or nonbinary beings.

  2. Ty, that's an interesting group. We have been planting pawpaw under black walnut but pawpaw has been slow.

  3. I've planted a few paw paws under black walnuts and they seem to be doing fine so far. Have you had any experience growing peach near black walnut?

  4. Question , I planted 4 paw paws two years ago in native forest setting south central Pa.
    Two died , two remain one with deer damage , but they seem to have not grown one inch . Why ? And what to improve the situation.

  5. Great video. Just now getting some paw paw seeds in the ground under black walnut. Will let you know in 15 years how its going! lol

  6. You've been an inspiration for years! Knowledge that you dedicatedly share is invaluable. Thank you.

    I have a question about a hedgerow method of high density planting of some (or all) perennials. It is a work of those guys:

    Can you share your thoughts about this method?

    Maybe make a video about it?

    Thanks ahead and all the best!

  7. I’ve got a bunch of pawpaw seedlings at the moment so great to have some ideas for where to plant them – off under my peaches they go!

  8. You've inspired us to do the same. Growing peaches holistically is so worth it but they certainly seem to have a limited lifespan. Thanks as always for the inspiration

  9. Did you like the video? Then please press the Like button and subscribe to the channel. This way you can support them.

  10. Question though, is the Walnut producing fruit as well? Because the data suggests the incompatibility begins in earnest when the walnut tree fruits.

  11. Managing light throughout the season is my favorite part of guild work. It is so wonderful to help the plants share with one another. I've just cut back lots of my locusts and elderberries for green mulch, and the little buddies underneath them are getting so happy in the sun. What a beautiful season it's been!

  12. What are the light requirements for the paw paws? I think I've planted mine with too much sun.

  13. Was out earlier today shaking wild Pawpaw tress and collecting the fruit, got hit squarely on the head by a fat russet potato sized one (it was a good thing).

  14. Does the black walnut and pawpaw harvest coincide with each other ? Also, have you tried propagating pawpaw by suckers ?


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