Gardening UK

Advice needed for old neglected apple tree

Advice needed for old neglected apple tree

by AutodidacticAutist

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  1. AutodidacticAutist

    I can’t seem to add the text as well as the picture so including text here.

    House included in picture for scale.

    We moved into this property last month and before we’d even unpacked we had the neighbour over complaining about the apple tree.

    Apparently caused a lot of bad blood between him and the previous owner. From what I could understand he is a very avid gardener and the tree blocks all his light in the winter so he can’t plant stuff – so he asked us to get it hard pruned (I think?) So he could have more dappled shade. He also offered to pay half.

    The tree is a bramley and drops a good amount of apples. Most are a bit rotten before they fall though. The neighbour said the tree was part of the orchard that was here before the houses were built which makes it at least 65 years old.

    So my question is what exactly needs to be done and what do you think would be a fair price? Id much rather do things myself as I’m fairly hands on but I think this is a job for a professional, at least for the first one.

    Ignoring the neighbours asking, I would like to take care of the tree regardless of what they asked.

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