
Help! My Monstera is Sick — Brown Leaves, Curling, Yellow Spots, and Stems Breaking Down

Hi plant lovers! I need some advice on my monstera because it's looking really sick and I’m not sure what’s going on.

– Leaves are curling downward
– Brown, paper-like spots on the leaves
– Yellow spots scattered across the leaves
– Stems are breaking down and look weak

I’ve checked for pests but couldn’t find anything visible. I’m wondering if it’s a watering or nutrient issue, but I’m not sure if I’m under-watering or over-watering. The plant is in a spot that gets indirect light, and I’ve been watering it when the top inch of soil feels dry. I'm wondering if it could be related to humidity levels, but I'm not sure. Any ideas on how to help my monstera bounce back?

Thanks in advance!

by keo8383h

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