Native Plant Gardening

What native to plant?

I have this 6’ tall fence in my backyard (western md 7a) that borders the alley behind it. It is at the bottom of a slope so it might get a decent bit of water, but this year has been super dry for western md. I want to plant some natives that are tall enough that the flowers can be seen from the other side. I also want some in the understory to keep out the weeds and grass, or I could just put down some cardboard and mulch. I have to be a careful that it doesn’t reach out into the road though. Here were my original thoughts, a lot of them are yellow, so any ones of different colored varieties would be appreciated:

Great Indian plantain
Tall sunflower (Helianthus giganteus)
Wild Golden Glow
Shining aster
New york ironweed
Giant goldenrod
Tall thistle
Purple Giant Hyssop

Thanks for the help!

by cheetahman114

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