
Slow grower or long gone?

So i have this euphorbia ammak, golden candelabra i believe to her friends. Ive had it for over a decade. When i first got it and replanted, it took about a season to adjust and show any growth at all.
Then she took off. We had some hiccups, lost two of her sisters over the years, but until recently was going strong.(first and sec pic are about 10 years apart)
Then i moved. Twice in a year. She did not like that too much. But always bounced back after a month or so. Cuz she strong like that.

Then, knowing i was moving yet again, i decided to cut her back, and repot into smaller more manageable pots (those poor poor first mover guys). Thats when things took, not a turn for the worse, but kind of a stalemate. After giving away all but the initial mother plant, she was all i had left, expecting some time of adjustment (i did just lop her head off, id say 3-4 feet worth, took her pups, and put her in a new pot in two new homes) but i had high hopes.

Its been two years. I thought maybe i noticed some growth. But it was all wishful thinking. There has been little to no proof of growth (or decay) for those two years. I guess my long story short is, do these things take a while? Years?? Anything i can do to help? Or do i reclaim the pot and say a tearful goodbye?

by Varanor

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