Plant Clinic

Got a monstera for free. no clue what i’m doing.

Hi y’all. My neighbor gifted me a monstera plant. I excitedly repotted it, and it’s been on the outs ever since.
I let it sit outside for a few days, then brought it inside and it’s been sitting next to a big window for a few weeks. I just cut off all the dead leaves and staked it. I originally repotted it in a mix of old potting soil I had and compost. I know the compost was probably a mistake. It seemed to dramatically die off for a week or two, but now it seems like it might be perking back up, or at least not actively dramatically dying.

Should I repot in better soil? I’m sorry I’m such a noob at this. There’s just so much info online about monsteras it’s a bit overwhelming.

The pot does not have drainage, and I’ve only watered it once because the soil seemed pretty wet when I put it in there.

by followacctonly


  1. AutoModerator

    Thank you for posting to r/plantclinic!

    It looks like you may be asking about a monstera. In addition to any advice you receive here, please consider visiting r/monstera for more specialized care advice.

    *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/plantclinic) if you have any questions or concerns.*

  2. This looks like it has thrips to me. A not very nice gift. Others who are more experienced with thrips can give you some great tips to get rid of them or you can google.

  3. DarwinOfRivendell

    It looks like it’s planted directly in that pot, in the wrong type of substrate and inadequate drainage. Repoting with a mix of new potting soil, perlite and orchid bark in a nursery pot that just fits the rootball (clear is good because you can easily see if the soil is dry/ roots are healthy) and watering deeply but allowing to fully dry between watering is best for monsteras.
    The leaves look sunburned, you need to gradually acclimate plants to bright light by moving closer to the source over time.
    I highly recommend using pots like the one pictured as cache pots rather than trying to add holes with masonry bits. It makes watering and checking much easier.

  4. FuzzyPeachNuggets

    I recommend getting a new pot with proper drainage and fresh soil. This next part is going to sound pain staking i want you to get a 5 gallon bucket or water rooting container cut off the affected yellow leaves, 90 degree cut the leggy proportions off the plant to pro propagate to root in the 5 gallon bucket for about a month do not let the rooting area dry out keep the water level consistent. Replant in promix with slow release food when rooted! Take care and good luck

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