Plant Clinic

Is he doomed?

Just get watered when dry, occasional plant food, indirect sun light, has been like this with no change for months

by Iam_aGoldenGod


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  2. nicoleauroux

    Maybe not doomed.

    How long does it take for the soil to dry out entirely?

    You can take a cutting and propagate. I think one of your biggest problems is the plastic lining in that basket. That needs to go because it holds moisture and doesn’t let the soil dry adequately. You can see the fungus, fungus isn’t bad but it is a sign that soil is remaining moist for too long.

    BTW aside from the other issues, it looks like it hasn’t been getting adequate light. In fact light exposure directly affects how much water the plant can process.

  3. TechnodromeRedux

    He needs more light, it’s way too dark for him there. Move him to a brighter spot and he should start recovering

  4. BodybuilderPlenty101

    ur Monstera looks like it might need a bit more love. Maybe try giving it more light if possible, Monsteras do better with bright indirect light. u could also check the roots to make sure they’re not root bound or sitting in too much water. A good repotting might help it bounce back

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