Gardening UK

How to salvage our patchy, weed covered lawn?

We’ve neglected the garden for a long time beyond the odd mow here and there. I’m sick and of it and want to sort it… problem is I have no idea where to even begin.

It’s patchy, it’s covered in weeds and it’s uneven.

I’ve got a weed pulling tool that can deal with the big weeds, and a puppy to consider when it comes to any weed killer.

Could someone please point me in the right direction to at least make a start turning this into something decent?

by BraXzy

1 Comment

  1. No_Row_3888

    I would have a look at clover lawns. They’re not hard wearing like a lot of grasses but they’re lower maintenance and better for the environment. If you need hard-wearing then you probably need to stick with grass

    Whatever you do (clover or grass) there’s going to be a certain amount of prep work involved to either plant from seed or use cut rolls. Budget will play a part in your decision too – seed is obviously cheaper than rolls.

    At least what you’ve got there now is pretty flat and level and you’re at the perfect time of year for doing something about it. You’re definitely going to need to do something with the weeds as dandelions are normally very deep rooted and will take some killing

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