
Best practice for storing seeds and pollen until next Spring/Summer?

I got seeds of a really rare strain on Cannabis with strange phenotypes and bred a male and female. The female now has probably at least hundreds of F4 seeds. I plan to harvest these seeds in October. The male, I chopped after few weeks of pollen sacs opening and saved pollen in a medicine bottle (in case UV rays destroy it) and put it in the fridge because apparently refrigerators have only 30-50% humidity and obviously it's cold so it prevents microbial growth and has mostly no light. I was thinking of doing the same with seeds except rinsing them in hydrogen peroxide first and adding rice to the bottles to absorb moisture (although I don't know if the starch would promote bad microbes – this is just what someone recommended) but I'd like to preserve them for a year as my friends and others are interested in them and I want to grow a lot of them out back during the next growing season. I don't know if they have to be vacuum sealed or if medicine bottles or Ball mason jars suffice as 'sealed' compared to like, say, lab grade test tubes/vials.

Thanks for any tips/advice on how to preserve them and maximize their viability/germination.

by Patient_Ad3716

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