
Update on the tree fern panel mold & ventilation question

Thanks so much for the advice y'all have given me regarding the mold issues I was experiencing. You were right! The springtails seem to have completely stabilised the issue!
We're now two weeks in and I finally finished the tank! 21 different plant species and 4 species of mos (I'm aware everything's gonna be completely overgrown in 6 months but that's kinda what I was aiming for).
The only thing I'm still struggling with is keeping the humidity levels stable. I have covered about 80% of the top, but there's also an air vent in the front that's still allowing too much airflow. I taped off about 70% of it so I guess my question is should I cover the entire front vent?
Is one small vent on top enough for proper airflow or would you guys recommend 2 acces points for more air circulation?

by Solisdnb

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