
Potting advice?

Hi all, I have these two philodendron propagations and wondering how best to pot.
I notice the roots have grown upwards – is it safe for me to bend these back down when repotting? Or how should I go about it? Also, how much of the stem can I bury in the soil?
I also noticed a green growth which I circled in pink – is that a new leaf? I think I will have to bury that in soil too, will it grow fine from being buried?

Thanks any tips advice most welcome

by paprika-popcorn

1 Comment

  1. iamwintermute_

    They’re both ready to pot tbh. The growth is a growth point that will eventually become the new stem. You only really need the roots in soil. I like the node to be half buried to reduce the chance of rot. Roots this young is still generally soft and pliant. I’d gently move it so that it’s covered by soil. The growth point will grow out of soil don’t worry!

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