
Rooting Florida Ghost

I got this cutting on August 7th and till this day I haven't seen any root action. Should I wait? It's been sitting in water, should I try sphagnum moss or perlite? Thanks for suggestions. 👻

by frandjak


  1. Huckleberry044

    I have a few cuttings like this because they were allowed to dry out for too long. You might have to give the bottom a little cut to get the plant moving a little bit

  2. Chuck_H_Norris

    I’ve had some stubborn cuttings before and was able to get them to root with rooting hormone.

    Just the little powder from Home Depot or whatever.

  3. oSanguine

    My philodendron Micans are like that! Takes ages to do anything- or just rots. I found I had a higher success rate putting the nodes in lightly damp sphagnum moss OR damp perlite in a jar 🤷‍♀️

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