Indoor Garden

Light and ventilation for moss terrarium?

Hi all! First time poster here, and a beginner plant enthusiast 💚. Photo credit to benji_plant on Instagram. I included it to show exactly what I mean – I love the look of what he did by putting the terrarium among books in a bookshelf, but I’ve read online that moss terrariums need good ventilation and a dim, scattered light source (that it would not be good for the moss to have a light source directly above).

How then can this work, and the moss thrive? Is this just another case of don’t believe what you see on Instagram? Or is there actually a way to ensure moss is happy in a terrarium tucked away in a bookcase, with a light source over it? I’d be open to having one without a light, but then I’m concerned it wouldn’t get enough light, plus, it would be less visible for me to appreciate.

Any advice welcome! Thank you 🌟

by Maleushka

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