Grafting Plants

Update: Strategy for grafting Myrtillocalycium Cutting

Update: Strategy for grafting Myrtillocalycium Cutting

by CurtisMarauderZ


  1. CurtisMarauderZ

    After careful consideration and advice from y’all, once the Myrtillocalycium arrived I implemented a plan and tried to minimize the amount of cuts to the scion.

    I grafted the tip to the Myrtillocactus. Since the growth tip had reverted to gymno, I figured the lack of vigor on the rootstock wouldn’t be a problem.

    Instead of doing a butt graft as originally planned, I opted to cut the last inch of the scion in half and slab graft it to my two trichos. I did a little bit of beveling on the edges to try and avoid separation. The slabs have a whole lot of green areoles, so I’m optimistic about my chances of getting a chimeric pup.

    Worth noting is Photo #2, which shows that two of the gymno pups still contain myrtillo tissue. Once the tip gets established, I’ll look into my options for grafting those.

    I wrapped all three grafts in plastic wrap to retain moisture and reduce shrinkage.

  2. Independent-Bill5261

    Chimera of three plants will be so cool despite it has a very low chance.

  3. InTheShade007

    Wow, that would be fun to work with.

    Well played

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