Fiddle Leaf Fig

Should I be preparing to say goodbye to Figgy?

Bought a fiddle leaf fig on a whim about 3 years ago. It was maybe 2’ tall with a few leaves. Since then, it’s grown to nearly 5’ tall. It’s been a generally happy plant (and surprising tolerant of my newbie tactics for a fiddle leaf)

About 6 weeks ago, I noticed some leaves had yellowing in their veins. I watered more and more regularly. A friend came over who has a lot of plants and suggested a repot. Did that 2 weeks ago.

Figgy looked a little better at first but just went to water her now and 6 leaves fell off in varying shades of brown and yellow. They’re all lower leaves. The upper leaves are still pretty green and supple.

Normal? Is she doomed? What can I do?

by turquoise8919

1 Comment

  1. iEatSwampAss

    Haha where is the tree at? We can’t tell with a few fallen leaves, you gotta post the plant.

    Usually your tree legit just needs more sunlight but if you can share the plant & where it’s situated, that’ll help. Maybe a closeup of the soil/planter too

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