Plant Clinic

How to get Mimosa Pudica to form seeds from flowers?

How to get Mimosa Pudica to form seeds from flowers?

by Exelliex

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  1. Exelliex

    I can’t find any info on this online πŸ™ the plant has started to produce purple flowers, which is supposed to mean that its at the end of it’s life. However, i cant find a way to get them pollinated so that it turn into a seed pod. They flower one at a time for one day before purple petals shrivel up and turn white and the whole flower falls off (in a period of another 1-3days). I tried to pollinate them by using a brush. Either by mixing up the pollen on one flower. Or taking the pollen from an old fallen off flower and brushing some on a new flower while it’s still flowering. Nothing happened with either method. πŸ™Β 

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