Carnivorous Plants

Cephalotus division winter rest

I just got these 2 divisions from a friend, the smaller one had some roots while the bigger one none, just the rhizome. Placed them in 40% peat and 60% perlite with a bit of sphagnum on top to hold the bigger one in place. Should I give them a winter rest when winter comes in 3 months or skip it for now? Pretty sure my friend never rested it, he's had it for 1 year.

Right now they're in my greenhouse with 28⁰C day, 23⁰C night, 80-90% humidity and sansi bulbs for light. I could move it during the winter in the box where I keep my intermediate nepenthes. The temperatures there are 23⁰C day, 15⁰C night.

It's my first time having one of these guys and I can hardly find useful information about divisions. I'm aiming for towards letting them ina warmer environment to grow faster.

by Bicyclemasteros

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