
My cherry tree is sick, but with what?

Hi all,

Hoping to get some preliminary advice here! Bought house a year ago. We did some very conservative pruning in early spring (I didn’t want to over-stress tree despite the significant overgrowth). I live in Piedmont, NC (Zone 8a). We did have a period of drought this summer.

I think my ornamental cherry tree is sick? It bloomed really nicely in the spring, but it’s dropped nearly all its leaves, unlike the others in the neighborhood, and there are all these cracks in it. This is my first property, so I don’t really know what to do. I’m happy to get an arborist out if needed, but hoping y’all can give me some advice. TIA!!!

I’ve attached multiple photos; please let me know if I should take any specific ones.

by Jojoba97

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