Native Plant Gardening

Gentian (I think) popped up in lawn-turned- meadow.

We let half of our front lawn turn to meadow this year. We did not add any wildflower seeds. Just wanted to see what would grow. It’s very clay-y soil and wet most of the year. We have had a dry spell so decided to cut it down but found this little guy and will keep it until it goes to seed. This is the prettiest surprise I have had all year.

by green_monk2000


  1. Definitely some kind of gentian! It is fun to watch the bumblebees squeeze their way in to access the pollen

  2. LastJava

    Gentiana andrewsii, bottle gentian! Nice get, loves moist areas and is pollinated exclusively by bumblebees as the flowers never fully open and they’re the only insects with enough strength to force them open. Other insects sometimes rob nectar from the base of the flowers.

  3. afluffymuffin

    Tubed gentian! Awesome! Blue balls in plant form!

  4. sjsharks510

    This might be the coolest lawn/yard volunteer I’ve ever heard of

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