
Once again trying to ID this mystery philodendron now that it’s growing larger. Majestic? Pastazanum?

This plant was bought unlabeled from lidl in terrible shape with root rot, spider mites, and stuck leaves. I still got it because of the unique silver coloring as I hadn’t seen one quite like it. I’ve been rehabbing it for a few months and I must say I’m really falling for it and would like to ID it to maximize care. This is the most recent leaf – it’s bigger than my hand for size reference. It also has reddish tint to the edges of the leaves and is developing a reddish tint at the base. Back of leaves are green but the backs of some of the older leaves have a slight red tint. It appears to be growing upright although it might just be a juvenile that isn’t crawling yet? Can someone please help? 🙏🏼

by evenheathens_

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