Rare Houseplants

Please help, I recently bought a Florida Beauty Philodendron on Etsy

Please help, I recently bought a Florida Beauty Philodendron on Etsy

by Jistuso1502


  1. StrangeOculus

    Definitely wouldnt buy from them again

  2. StrangeOculus

    I recommend only buying rooted cuttings. They might be a bit pricy but definitely have a higher chance of survival.

  3. Chuck_H_Norris

    might grow better this way.

    Or that’s way too short and it’s gon die.

  4. Jistuso1502

    Hello everyone, I recently bought a Florida Beauty Philodendron 1 leaf cutting on Etsy. It’s has been 3 weeks I propagated it in water with filter water and some root supplements but my cutting hasn’t come out with new roots yet.
    I was wondering if it is a ok cutting? Should I wait a little longer ? I talked to the seller and she said it is fine then I text her again 3 days ago and no reply.
    Thank you so much for your advice. 

  5. Careless-Balance-893

    Report this seller. This is SO unethical. I’d post a picture in their reviews as well to let people know they think this is an acceptable product to send to customers.

  6. wildomen

    Prop in perlite babe!! Maybe get some keiki paste too

  7. on_that_farm

    so, i do think that you paid too much for what you got. having said that, is the cutting mushy? if not i would say it’s still viable. florida is notoriously slow to root – beauty, ghost, the regular green. maybe in moss or a prop box setting it would go faster. i’ve had good luck with florida beauty in a hydroponics propagation set up.

  8. dontmistyourplants

    From my experience with Florida Beauty cuttings, if it doesn’t have active aerial roots, it may not root at all. This is super unethical as a seller, I would report them and write a review with photos. Nobody should sell a mid cutting of a Florida Beauty without at least one viable root, that’s ridiculous.

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