
Dealing with standing water.

Lots of standing water after it rains. Wasn’t a problem until the house behind me was finished. Our fence was up first. They decided to build a higher one on their side. Seems like water is trapped in between both fences after rain. Could this be the problem? Any solutions?

by Critical-Passenger70


  1. Resident-Positive-84

    Sounds more like they drained their yard into yours lol.

  2. LunaticBZ

    But WHY on God’s Green Earth did they build a fence 2 inches over from your Fence.

  3. ATLHawksfan

    How do you feel about rice?🌾 🌾🌾

  4. Tear down your fence and use the wood to build a bridge. 🤷

  5. SnooCapers1627

    Time for a French drain setup

  6. LeapingToad3

    That yard is looking so delicious as a rice paddy.

  7. obscure-shadow

    If you can prove it was the construction that did this you might look into if they might be liable for remediation

  8. Scary-Cycle1508

    Totally not an expert, but why would the two fences be a problem? the fence isn’t going down into the earth and holding the water like that, its maybe a hinderance for the sun to dry it out properly, but it looks to me like the fence line is just unfortunately on the lowest point of the yards.
    hobby gardener me would install a french drain and lead the water towards the storm drain/ sewer

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