No Lawns

Take time to appreciate the little things. Got home from work tonight. Walked through my jungle and came across the cutest thing ever, hundreds of Gasteracantha cancriformis (spinybacked orbweaver). Everyone who has a Florida garden has seen them as adults. Palm Beach Garden, Fl.

Take time to appreciate the little things. Got home from work tonight. Walked through my jungle and came across the cutest thing ever, hundreds of Gasteracantha cancriformis (spinybacked orbweaver). Everyone who has a Florida garden has seen them as adults. Palm Beach Garden, Fl.

by Old_Instrument_Guy


  1. Dendritic_Silver


    Congrats on your new pest control squad.

  2. Old_Instrument_Guy

    The best thing about a natural garden is the amount of wildlife it supports. I have tons of these little spiders as well as other varieties. I have seen black racers and glass snakes which are not snakes but legless lizards. I have a variety of lizards and geckos.

  3. Rinzy2000

    Babies!!!!!!!! 🥹🤗🥹🤗🥹🤗🥹 I had an orb weaver at my front door who was my friend. Her name was Webstra. She would scurry down her web when I talked to her. Before she died, she made a beautiful egg sac and now every time I see an orb weaver like her, I hope that it’s one of her great great great (etc) grandchildren.

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