Gardening Australia

Best raised garden design advice please

We're in the process of installing a grid of four veggie gardens. I love the aesthetic of the arches between beds like in the first picture but in practicality is there any way to protect this type of design from pests like in picture two?

Has anyone installed arches between beds and regret it?

We also have the option of installing shade cloth across the whole top which we're considering as we are in WA and the sun is strong in summer. If it is screened with shade cloth do you still need something like pic two? Obviously that does not protect against some pests.

I'd love some advice from people who have more experience. Thank you!

by wholecookedchook

1 Comment

  1. pinkguy90

    Depending on what type of pest you’re dealing with (insect or animal) the nets will be a little worthless. They offer some protection but for insects I feel like they would work counterintuitively and make a perfect breeding ground for insects to thrive.

    My personal feeling is that growing vegetables you’ll realise quickly which pests most affect your garden and deal with them on a case by case basis.

    Installing garden arches (assuming they’re metal and or cheap) is very easy to reverse. I can’t see any reason it wouldn’t be both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Sweet peas for flowers in early spring that you can rip down and follow with pumpkin, runner beans or passion fruit.

    Also, my own bias, I wouldn’t want my whole garden to be a plastic tunnel. But you might prefer your harvest over aesthetics.

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