
Braided Salix willow

I got this about 6 months ago with no green leaves or stems. Just the braided stems.

I generally kill most plants but have been researching and improving, but this one I can’t figure out and online information isn’t “newbie” friendly.

  1. How do I get the other branches to grow? They tend to start but then die off, only these three have grown.

  2. What do I do with the three that have grown? Do they need pruning? Do they need a climbing fixture?

  3. If they need pruning – what does that mean and how do I do that 😅

  4. Any other tips and tricks appreciated

by leoinsainttropez3

1 Comment

  1. leoinsainttropez3

    Might be helpful to know I live in the UK, plant lives outside in a “winter garden”/“light well”

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