Plant Clinic


Hi there. Thanks for any help you might be able to give me! I’ve been growing this avo for about 1.5 years now – mostly in a water jar – I transferred it to really well draining soil as I read that they really don’t like too much water. I also had read that I should give it a little bit of iron supplement so I sprayed the soil with that once – it’s possible this is what is causing the brown colors on the bottom leaves.

I think moving it from water to soil shocked it a bit but after about a month beautiful new growth has emerged!

Since there are new healthy leaves do I still worry about the browning of the bottom leaves? Help! I moved it into the soil to hopefully give it more room to grow so I don’t want to kill it!

Thank you in advance 🙂

The plant sits in a window and gets direct light for about an hour a day. Ambient light otherwise.

by kerrinbeth

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