Gardening UK

Ideas for planters in this paved front garden space

Hi all,
Have lived in this small house for 2 years and never really used this space, except as a holding area for pallet deliveries. The paving has been done well so would leave it that way.

It faces north east but gets a few patches of sun at different times of the day. Neighbour to the left is unfriendly (see how they cut the hedge down for no reason – another story) so I was considering some kind of tree in a planter – apples or pears? But not sure if that’s a waste of time when winter comes.
Was also considering some kind of raised beds for veggies, possibly with green house glass, but again not sure how much effort it’s worth.

Also I’m not sure what time of year to start a new crop in this way?

I’m currently unemployed so have time to work on this area (ie build planters ready for next growing season) with 2nd kid on the way end of the year and then probably working again, so wouldn’t want anything too high maintenance next year.

Any thoughts on what you would do? I’m not so interested in flowers although it could help the appearance. More interesting in growing foods.

Bonus points for slightly blocking out the neighbour when walking up their driveway to the left. Window is from the kitchen sink so spend plenty of time standing there…

Thanks for any ideas!

by Acidvoodoo2017

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