Plant Clinic

Is my oak seedling dying?

Last march I got this little guy, it was healthy but never had the will to chamge its pot (I want to do it, but now I don't know if it is the right time).

I had to leave for a few weeks, so I left it outside last month, and here in denmark it got really rainy and cold when I was away. The little guy lost 3 leaves, and this last one standing is not in a nice shape. I'm not panicking as being an oak eventually it has to shed to its leaves, but I'm not sure if it is too early.
Additionally, I fear some root rotting happened while I was away, due to the abbundant root rotting. Roots are coming out of the vase under it, but first, will it make it? Is it a good idea to repot now or should I just wait for spring?

I water the plant whenever the soil feels dry (by pushing my finger slightly in it)
The plant does not receive direct sun light due to the location of my room, but it gets a lot of indirect sun light.

by Brownfio

1 Comment

  1. Brownfio

    Sorry for the ill written message. Sometimes, while typing I fuck up really hard

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