
Next Steps for Dwarf Gardenia Jasminoides

Hey y’all, I bought this tree a few weeks ago and did a first round of major trimming to expose the surface roots and get an idea of its trunk, overall shape, etc. Considering I just did a lot of big cuts and the branches have new growth coming, should I let it recover and wait to prune in spring or go ahead and cut it back to my desired shape? And how far back should I cut to encourage ramification and reach the general shape I marked in the photos?

Thanks for y’all’s help!

by GingerJesusSaves

1 Comment

  1. whoistjharris

    It looks like good material but I have zero experience with the species regarding pruning timing. But letting it recover is never a bad choice, no need to rush it. Some unsolicited advice, your 2 lowest branches are originating at the same spot so they are giving some inverse taper. You could prune one or the other if you don’t want that but it will change your overall styling.

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