Plant Clinic

Bell Pepper plant giving up?

Bell Pepper plant giving up?

by Septendeciim


  1. Septendeciim

    Bell Pepper plant was loving life until I moved it indoors some days ago (temperatures dropping to around 10°C at night). I set it up with a plant light and watered it once, figured we’re good. Last night I see a dropped leaf, went to assess the situation, realised carnage has ensued. Pic 2 shows all the leaves that were just hanging by literal threads onto the plant (see pic 4!) I know the stress of the changes might cause some leaf dropping but at this rate it’ll be a stem and one leaf by the end of the week. Is this normal?

    Pic 3: Bell Pepper brought home new friends! I guess they are black aphids which I should remove but they shouldn’t cos the dropping right? I sprayed those suckers with water to remove them, which caused 3/4 more leaves to fall in the process

    Pic 5: I noticed some leaves have these lines on the stems? Normal? Signs the leaves will fall?

    Anyone have any other suspicions about the cause? Any recommendations to make my BP happy again?

  2. ConsciousArachnid298

    It was living outside in the sun now its in the interior of the room under a grow light (?). Its getting only a small fraction of the light it was getting before. Its probably in shock from the drastic change in environment, doesn’t have enough light, plus it has pests. All of these things will cause defoliation.

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